Currently Faculty of Engineering has expertise from various engineering field in 8 departments ; Department of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering, Department of Process and Food Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

The Department of Aerospace Engineering was founded in 1996 to support the development of national...more...
The Department was established in 1985, after the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering began to take...more...
The department was first established as Department of Agricultural Engineering at College of...more...
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering was established in 1996 and has grown...more...
The department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering (CCSE) was established in 1997 as...more...
The Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is one of the 8  departments that...more...
The Department of Process and Food Engineering was established in 1996. Since its establishment,...more...